GT-HUD for 6+ Hold'em

- HUD is designed taking into account the features of the game in 6+ Hold'em;
- Available in all poker rooms where there is support for Hand2Note;
- Unique Preflop and Postflop popups with detailed stats;
- Possibility to analyze your game and opponents on all game lines. More details...

*Important! All HUDs work in an innovative statistics gathering program, Hand2Note!
You need the licensed version of the software in order to activate it!
Purchase on limits
3 month
12 month
GT-HUD for 6+ Hold'em
GT-HUD for 6+ Hold'em
GT-HUD for 6+ Hold'em
GT-HUD for 6+ Hold'em
Choice: Unlimited - $20
GT-HUD for 6+ Hold'em More...
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Important to know
To activate HUD, you need an EDGE or PRO subscription
To use GT-HUD packages, you must have an active EDGE subscription if you play in Global Rooms or a PRO subscription if you play in Asian / Chinese poker rooms.

Bonus code for Hand2Note: H2N10IQ – 10% discount is valid only on the first purchase.

We pay 10 - 25% for attracting a new user

When buying Adaptive HUD or Dynamic HUD → New Simple HUD will be as a present!

When buying MTT-SNG Pack → SpinHud+HU-SNG will be as a present!

We invite poker sites and shops, coaches, and bloggers for cooperation.

For these purposes we have developed a "Poker tool "GT-HUD" a unique new product for the poker game.

Learn more about the partnership programmes via the feedback form or contact on Skype: GT-Pack


We take into account all users’ wishes and regularly supplement our set with necessary functions, stats, and badges.
Contact our Support at or in Skype: GT-Pack and please describe in detail what you think is missing in HUD.


We offer our help in installing and presetting Hand2Note/HUD. To do that, you need to have an updated version of TeamViewer, and headphones with a microphone.


If you still have questions or experience difficulties when choosing, please write to our Skype or e-mail and we will answer your questions and find a suitable option for you!